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  • Writer's pictureGüçlen Aksu

We start by speaking the unspoken

In relationships, communication is disrupted by what is not said rather than what is said.

Relationships that can always show the courage to speak the unspoken have taken the first and the biggest step of transformation.

So that this big step can serve the right purpose, it is an important criterion to do it with grace because transforming a subject first depends on the transformation of the individual. However, going beyond the emotional comfort zones is possible by breaking down the resistance to change.

Finding the right answers requires being able to ask the right questions.

- What meaning do you attribute to the error?

- Can you share the instructiveness of the journey between error and solution with everyone in the institution regardless of their relevance?

- When you fail to meet your commitment to your clients and teammates how do you handle this situation and how do you behave?

To speak the unspoken, first, it is necessary to establish the culture of giving and receiving feedback. ✅

While setting a course with many strategies within the scope of the business plan, while aiming for the absolute transformation, can you make the development and transformation of people a part of the strategy? ✅

Based on the assumption that it has been included in the planning and a budget has been allocated for the training;

Can you approach what you have learned from mistakes as training costs ❗️❓

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