Getting loyal clients has become quite difficult in today’s world; on the other hand, scientific studies, digital world algorithms and, neuromarketing activities continue without slowing down.
There are many successful companies following consumer habits very well and also those pretending to implement these strategies and messing it up. What do you think? What could be the difference between them?
As a matter of fact, this information is not new, does not have any technology in it and, goes along with the traditional methods.
The main idea at the core is ‘sincerity’. If you design and implement every move based on sincerity, it is possible to reach the goal fast.
Is it a good move to get loyal clients and offer them advantageous opportunities? It depends on what you are doing this for:
a. collect their data?
b. learn about their needs and consumption habits?
c. guarantee their satisfaction and make them choose you again?
d. all of the above?
Sincerity involves taking into account that the people you call clients are at least as aware of everything as you are.
Speaking of “designing and implementing every move based on sincerity” let’s take action right now, starting with accepting that our ultimate goal is to make money and increase profitability…
We all know that even corporations claiming they are nonprofit engage in money-oriented activities to maintain their existence. I also invite those having strange beliefs such as “Money is evil, money corrupts” to sincerity. Please reconsider your fundamental beliefs about money, then we can get back to our topic.
Acknowledging that it is your co-workers making you money is also an important part of the goal. It is the people on your team taking care of your loyal clients.
Demonstrate loyalty and sincerity first to your own team; let them turn your clients into loyal ones.
Here it is, that cheap and that easy!