If the old things were in demand, the flea market would be riding high* (a rough translation of a very cultural Turkish proverb meaning old things are boring, people are intrigued by the new things.)
The ancient conflict of the old and the new, continues to be a trending topic in every field. It is also possible to observe this in the evaluations of young people’s attitudes in the business world. While expressing their appreciation and hopes for the youth, almost all old people, regardless of cultural and economic class, also say that they condemn the youth because they do not like their job, do not want to put effort and avoid the difficulties old people had patiently endured back then.
Young minds, full of excitement and energy, want to move forward instead of patiently during the structures in which they can not move. And sometimes this route includes running through the minefield of entrepreneurship.
This heroic scenario predicts that those who are resourceful, visionary and lucky enough will surely win. But very few make this journey through safely and alone.
I wonder could it be that the old structures do not allow the creative energies to flow and the high risk of new ventures is behind the young people’s excuse of “not liking the job” ? Can’t efficient and joyful working models of “participation and entrepreneur” be invented?
Kadir Köymen and his friends, one of the stakeholders of the Edelkrone project which produces innovative solutions for photography and video systems, have also invented a participation system for teams working together and want to perpetuate this cooperation. They have found a new way of being able to make decisions together in the design, manufacture and distribution of the new, and in the gainsharing. With the algorithm Karbon Solutions - formerly known as DecideHub - the voting rate of each member of the team is determined by the vote of confidence made by the team members, and this rate is kept confidential. In this way, each member of the team has right to speak and gain in the project in proportion to their efforts.
Do you think that young people would not participate in these initiatives if they knew that their voices would be heard and that they would benefit from a fair share?